Monday, July 16

$47 Amazon lash booster + 15 of my favorite products for Prime Day & beyond

I don't know much about the Nordstrom sale but I do love Amazon Prime and rely on it for SO many of our purchases!  The 2 day shipping and free returns are lifesavers for this mama of 3, and since we've never had cable, Amazon Video is how they watch most of their favorite shows.  We also shop at Whole Foods and getting free money through using the Whole Foods app for in store coupons is my absolute jam!  I love consolidation and efficiency so this post rounds up some of my absolute favorite purchases that I make through Amazon!  Leave me a comment with a purchase from Amazon that you can't live without!

1.  //THIS LASH BOOST// Ok so everyone has been asking me about what I'm using on my lashes.  Thanks to my sweet friend Julie who got me started on this stuff last year (thanks Jules), I have been using it about every other night on my lashes to keep them full and long.  Give it about 6 weeks of nightly use and you will be shocked at the results!

Can't live without my bulk order of Lash Paradise thanks to my amazing sister in love Mindy! The lash boost and mascara are a dynamic duo!!!

3.  //Spin Pins//
We all know how I can't live without these things.  I can do a cute messy top knot every day of the week and my head not hurt!  I carry a couple around every where I go and they always save me from the heat or if I just need to quickly do an updo!  Also, in case you're curious I have a whole blog post dedicated to my love for spin pins with a little tutorial on how I quickly put my hair up, read it here.

Turn heads at the pool with this FABULOUS swim suit!  Put on the suit, get in the pool, and be fabulous! I get 400 compliments every time I wear it, and I always shout out that it was $25 from Amazon because I'm a boujie on a budget hah!

5.  This ChicWish skirt is one of my favorite purchases this summer!  It is so beautiful and breezy and light weight and I can wear it with a million different tops and no one knows when there is sweat running down my legs!

6.  //Waist Trainer//
One of my biggest fitness goals this year is to close my distasis recti.  This works both as a back and core support as recommended by my trainer Devon (, follow her and you will be amazed!).  I have bound my stomach ever since we birthed Ari Love so getting to a waist trainer in this stage of my fitness journey has been amazing!

This is the reason not only did we survive Whole30 with no coffee creamer but the reason we thrived cutting sugar out and I finally acquired the taste for delicious black coffee with velvet almond milk froth on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon! It is so beautiful for having guests over and impressing them with your barista skills by treating them not only to a beautiful drink, but healthy too!  I use it for everything, including my new favorite matcha tea lattes!  Best $32 we ever spent!

8.  Nutpods are the Whole30 approved super duper creamy almond milk sugar free non-processed creamer that I use in my frother to give me the deliciously textured velvet topping for my coffee!  If you've been trying to stop you addiction to coffeemate (ahem I'm talking about me) then these are the perfect substitute!

I have this on recurring order because I can't live without it!  Thanks to my other amazing sister in love who turned me on to it!  I have been using it daily for about 2 years and I immediately feel like the sun is wrinkling my face if I don't have it on.  If you're curious about my skin care routine, I have this whole blog post on it!

10.  //Clarisonic//
I'm coming to terms with my good addictions, and my clarisonic brush is definitely one of them.  It's like, I haven't even really washed my face if I don't use my brush.  I've been using it twice a day, every day since I turned 30!  Thanks again to my LL who turned me onto this too!

I also have this on recurring order and don't feel normal if I don't take my nightly Magnesium y'all.  Who am I?!  It's like the secret sauce for feeling good the next day, helps my sore muscles after a hard work out, keeps you regular (ya, that kind of regular cuz we ain't 21 no more boos hahah) among a variety of other health benefits!

We have tried every single one of the other natural bug repellant products because I am 100% about crunchy mom life and this is the only one that ACTUALLY works for the mutant Arkansas bugs!

13. //More tops (on LEFT) that I'm obsessed with (on RIGHT) perfect for the Fall Transition//

14. //Hydroflask//
Do I need to say more than this is the only way we drink enough water.  

This was on day 8 of no hair washing and only using this dry shampoo.  um ok haha sign me up!!

I can think of a lot more things but I rounded up my absolute favorite things that make our life better!  Happy Prime Day!!


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