If you don't already follow me on Instagram, I recently shared ten of my favourite things as tagged by my lovely fashionista friend, Amy from My Soapbox Moment.
1. Eyeliner: My favorite is by "Stila" because it is so creamy, waterproof, and does not smudge, creates the perfect look. Available at Sephora stores
2. Turquoise: The color, the stone, earrings, rings, necklaces, headpieces, clothes..it was also one of my wedding colors. I find it so dreamy, the perfect accessory to any outfit
4. Avocado: Delicious and oh so nutritious. Because I can usually only find the time to eat a few meals a day, I try to pack in as much nutrition as possible. I mix it in my salad, in a wrap with hummus, make guacamole with tomatoes, or even just eat it atop a rice cake.
5. Warm towel: Drying off with a fresh, out of the dryer towel immediately following a hot bath is simply heaven
6. My Taylor Guitar: My love bought it for me when we lived in New Zealand and it has followed us every where we have gone ever since. It is small, perfect for my size, but has such an incredibly rich sound. I play and sing for Ari every day, she absolutely adores music
7. Brent and Ari's feet: I am ever so thankful that I have a husband and daughter that love to be touched. I could just kiss them over and over and over...
8. Wax: I should say that I am grateful for the existence of wax...candles, hair removal, etc..
9. Flowers: In my hair, in our house, on my clothes...I have kept every single bouquet of flowers that Brent has ever gotten me and dried them to admire their beauty forever
10. My "vintage" heirloom wedding ring: It was Brent's grandmother's ring when she was married to his Pawpaw. She gave it to him to give to me when he asked my hand in marriage. Of any sentimental things that I own, my wedding ring signifying the union between my love, my twin flame, my soul mate and I is my most prized, priceless material possession
What are some of your favourite things? I would absolutely love to know..
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